• Thu. May 16th, 2024

Keepin It Real with The Cousins N Bigg & DJ Deezy

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The Cousins N Bigg are Keepin It Real about the May Weather vs Pacquiao fight and why you feel cheated, woman who are emotional bullies and real cousin confessions. Hear what Snoop Dogg had to say about his new battle rap series Take Flight On Sight inside Aja’s Red Alert. The Kitty Korner, brought out Ginger, who shedded some light on the joys & benefits of having morning sex, so Brit discovered a sexual position that Bigg could earn his cheese eggs and grits in! Plus get the details on how to be featured on Dj Deezy’s pre-game mix down.

Keep it real with @TheCousinsNBigg every Monday at 9pm